Zionism Is Not Judaism

Zionism Is Not Judaism 1024 576 Christian Duque

Zionism Is Not Judaism

Zionism Is Not Judaism

It’s ok to question Zionism and doing so does not make you anti-Semitic. That’s always been a fantastic tool used by Zionist forces to suppress dissent. Who’d want to be dubbed a racist or a bigot? No matter how much a person might reject genocide, the forced displacement of people, and wanton violations of international law – no one wants to be dubbed a bigot. Plus, if you’re dubbed a bigot you might lose your job. Who’s going to hire you? No one will want to associate with you, either. It’s a pretty genius move by Zionists. Sadly, I’m keen to this tactic and have been since I learned that Zionism (a political tendency) is completely different than Judaism (a religion). I learned this when I was about eleven years old, but what can I say, I used to like to read a lot while my peers were busy playing video games and hunting down the latest sneakers made in China and watching oiled up guys with funny names pretend to wrestle on tv.

As soon as settlers move in, so does the IDF.

If you bought into the propaganda, you’d think Zionists were model Jews. You’d think they’d keep Sabbath (which most don’t). You’d think they kept Kosher (which most don’t). You’d think they await God to restore Israel (which clearly they don’t subscribe to). You’d think that they always wanted to set up shop in the Holy Land (actually they initially had their sights set on Uganda). You might also think that the forming of the State of Israel was a direct result of the Holocaust (but the movement and the idea actually started in 1897). But having a Jewish State isn’t such a novel idea, I mean look at the Holy Roman Empire, then the Papal States, and culminating with Vatican City (a 0.4 mile parking lot that’s purportedly a Catholic State). The only difference between Israel and the Vatican is that that Vatican is Catholicism 24/7 and Israel is less and less religious and more and more secular.

That’s because Zionists by their very nature are nationalists over theologists. And from the very beginning of the movement, Zionists and Jewish leaders clashed. The idea that man would restore the Jewish homeland defies everything laid out in the Torah. Zionists only use the idea of Judaism as the reason for which they exist and the reason for which they wage wars, steal land, and commit war crimes. It’s kind of like what our (U.S.) government does in our name by sending weapons to countries all around the world. How many Vietnamese farmers died from napalm bought and paid for by American taxpayers? Those that made the weapons and those who were forced to deploy them, did so, all in the name of the Untied States. How many innocent people have died by forces flying the stars and stripes? And how many of those wars and incursions did the American people actually sign off on? The “fight for freedom” is as broad of a concept as making the case that Zionism acts on behalf of the Jewish religion. Both are huge stretches.

Watch this powerful 1:05 Clip

I applaud anti-Zionist Jews like Bernie Sanders and Noam Chomsky. Bernie has never gone to AIPAC hat-in-hand hoping for their support. He didn’t do it in 2016 when he was inches from securing the Democratic nomination for President and he doesn’t do it today. And forget about the NRA’s power. If you want to see a lobby that exerts tremendous power in BOTH major American political parties, then look no further than AIPAC. They can have either Donald Trump or Joe Biden do their bidding. They don’t get excited or depressed based on election results. They have the ability to get their way, either way. That’s what you call real power. The same senile old prick that cautions Benjamin Netanyahu, The Butcher of Gaza, to show mercy on the 1.4-1.6 million trapped Palestinians in Rafah, signs off on more and more aid packages (which include more weapons). Donald Trump also does what he’s told. And no one ever says anything.

Students protest at Columbia University (NYC)

I applaud courageous college students throughout the United States exercising their First Amendment rights on university campuses. It’s no surprise than administrators have turned to private security and fascist stormtroopers from local police departments to clear Pro Palestinian protesters. It’s very much a double standard as Pro-Israeli protesters are issued permits and permitted free speech unmolested.

“There Is No Place For Hate In This City” – Eric Adams

Look at that joke of a mayor in New York City, Eric Adams, threatening to deploy the NYPD to crush students and workers protesting U.S. aid of the Israel Defense Forces. Adams has taken a page straight from the Zionist playbook and dubbed the protesters – MANY OF WHICH ARE JEWISH BUT NOT ZIONISTS – as anti-Semitic. Then again, what can you expect from a failed mayor with a 25% approval rating? He’s fighting for his own political survival so I’m not surprised he’s taken a heavy hand. And aside from this pathetic loser, there’s no shortage of other elected officials who will use the cops – and dogs and firehoses (if they could) – against peaceful protesters. There are a lot of Bull Connors left in American politics. Don’t you ever doubt it.

Israel Forces Conscription of Orthodox Jews

Zionism is not a Jewish movement. I don’t want to get into a debate of who’s a real Jew and who isn’t because that’s a pretty stupid argument to make; however, the Ultra Orthodox in Israel spend their days reading and studying the Torah, they keep kosher, and they honor all tenets of the faith. They go to yeshiva and keep as close as possible to ages old values. They were in Israel before it became a state and they continue to be there today. They also live in places like Iraq, Iran, Brooklyn and the world. They don’t care what country they’re in or what century it is, their life’s purpose is to serve God and keep to His teachings. Oh and by the way, THEY DO NOT SERVE IN THE ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES. So you’d think that Zionism – purportedly a Jewish movement – wouldn’t be forcing them into the military, forcing them to take up arms against the Palestinians, right? You’d think that, wouldn’t you?

Benjamin Netanyahu – The Butcher of Gaza

I could write all day – literally, but I digress. Stop buying into the lie. Zionism is not Judaism. Do not keep from questioning and dissenting against anything you disagree with. Don’t let the Zionists scare you by dubbing you a bigot. If you lose your job, you lose your job. You’ll find another one. If the government wants to start a file on you, fuck ’em, here’s an article you can add to mine. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Kudos to Bernie for always voting his conscience and kudos to all the students and workers protesting against foreign aid to the Butcher of Gaza and the Israel Defense Forces.

And finally, no one is excusing the actions of October 7th. I have zero sympathy for terrorists and whatever reason(s) they may have had for their repugnant actions. Right is right and wrong is wrong. That said, the civilian suffering in Gaza is not justified and the looming massacre in Rafah, where 1.4 – 1.6 million innocent civilians find themselves with nowhere to go IS NOT JUSTIFIED.

Netanyahu must be stopped (but he won’t be).